Food products

Prevent contamination, spoilage and damage of food products

In the food industry, the quality of packaging plays a critical role in ensuring the safety, freshness, and longevity of products. From the moment food products are harvested or produced, their journey to the consumer involves various stages where they are susceptible to contamination, spoilage, and damage.

Plastic drums for chili paste

Advantages of plastic packaging for food products

High-quality packaging not only preserves the nutritional value, odor and taste of food products but also protects it from environmental factors such as air, moisture, and light. Customers confirm that CurTec’s plastic packaging, with its innovative design and superior materials, offers significant advantages for the food products such as:

  • Coffee and tea: Air and water vapor tight closures preserve flavor and freshness and prevent oxidation
  • Chocolate: Food grade plastic and seals protect against moisture and odor absorption and help to preserve quality, flavor and color
  • (Preserved) meat and fish products: Leak tight seals prevent liquids from escaping and prevent product damage
  • Freeze-dried fruit and vegetables: Clean packaging prevents contamination of the contents
  • Dairy products: Product integrity remains intact by preventing spoilage and contamination
  • Broth powders, herbs and spices: Airtight, easy-to-open seals guarantee freshness and shelf life, even with frequent use

Reusable plastic drums for coffee beans

Reusable plastic drums and pails for coffee beans

CurTec packaging contributes to a sustainable supply chain by being reusable, thanks to its durable materials and robust construction. This quality is gaining traction in the coffee industry, where producers are increasingly choosing CurTec drums and pails for delivering coffee beans to their customers. By opting for reusable packaging, the industry is reducing waste and embracing more sustainable practices, aligning with growing environmental consciousness.

In summary, CurTec packaging provides essential protection and preservation for food products, enhancing both product quality and sustainability in the food industry. Convince yourself of the quality and order a free sample.

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What do customers buy?

For the packaging of food products, customers purchase, among others:
