In recent years, CurTec has incorporated accomplishing a net-zero value chain into its sustainability vision. At the same time, we have pledged to formulate and pursue science-based climate targets. In that context, we have now reached a fantastic milestone with the acceptance of our goals by SBTi.
CurTec has become part of the Science Based Targets Initiative (STBi) – an organization that drives climate action by enabling companies to set science-based targets to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. After a careful investigation, they accepted our goals and made them official and visible.
CurTec understands the importance of rapid and deep emission cuts and is committed to achieving net zero greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions across the value chain by 2050 with an absolute reduction of 42% for scope 1+2 by 2030 and 90% for scope 1+2+3 by 2050, calculated from base year 2021.
Nearly 6,000 organizations worldwide are already participating in SBTi, of which just over half have already set science-based goals and a third have made net-zero commitments. In addition, CurTec distinguishes itself within that group by choosing not only short-term, but also long-term goals, which is exceptional for a company in the small/medium-sized company category.
In the meantime, CurTec has also started research into a series of measures to realize our SBTs within the set time. Energy management and the production of renewable energy are some examples, while the realization of a circular economy has already started with the launch of packaging made of recycled plastic.